What Does CAB Stand for in CPR?

What Does CAB Stand for in CPR post img
  • Updated on: January 29, 2025

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • What Does CAB Stand for in CPR?
  • What does CAB mean in CPR?
  • When Not to Perform CAB CPR?
  • Final Thoughts on CAB in CPR



Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving emergency procedure that restores blood circulation and breathing in patients whose hearts or lungs have stopped working. The C.A.B. first aid method outlines the steps rescuers must follow to maximize a victim’s chances of survival in cardiac emergencies. In this blog, we will explore more about CAB in CPR, its associated processes, and other relevant details. 


What Does CAB Stand for in CPR?

Previously, CPR followed the A.B.C. method: Airway, Breathing, and Compressions. However, the CPR Guidelines of 2010 rearranged the order of these steps. Today, healthcare experts recommend the C.A.B. approach.

So, what do the letters in the acronym CAB stand for in the CPR process? Knowing the meaning behind this method is necessary because it relies heavily on knowledge of the physiological variables involved in cardiac arrest.

Here, C stands for compressions, A in CAB stands for airway, and B stands for breathing.

The method starts with chest compressions, where the rescuer pushes hard and fast on the chest to keep blood flowing. Next, the rescuer tilts the patient’s head and lifts the chin to open the airway. Finally, rescue breaths are administered to provide oxygen. This order ensures blood circulation is flowing between organs and the brain.

Read More: How Long to Perform CPR?


What does CAB mean in CPR?

People in cardiac arrest can often be revived with chest compressions in CAB, meaning CPR can help restore blood flow to the organs until advanced medical help arrives.

The CAB strategy often relies on knowledge of various physiological factors when somebody suffers a cardiac arrest. The heart usually stops pumping blood during a cardiac arrest. This results in a shortage of oxygen flow to the body’s organs and tissues. So, the CAB method helps restore circulation through three crucial techniques: compression, airway, and breathing. 

After knowing what is CAB in CPR, it is also necessary to learn a detailed breakdown of the method as mentioned below:

  1. Compressions

Chest compressions push blood through the heart when it’s not pumping properly. Pressing on the chest helps send oxygen-rich blood to the brain and other organs, keeping the victim alive. Starting compressions immediately during CPR can improve the chances of restoring a normal heart rhythm.

Here’s how to perform compressions:

Hand Placement

Position the heel of one hand in the center of the victim’s chest. Place the other hand on top to interlock your fingers, or keep it flat.

Depth and Rate

Push down firmly and quickly, achieving a depth of 2 inches (5 cm) for adults and 1.5 inches (4 cm) for children. Maintain a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute to ensure the chest fully recoils between compressions.

Minimizing Interruptions

To maintain blood flow, limit all interruptions during compressions. Pauses should be made only for essential interventions, such as delivering breaths or using an AED.

Performing CPR right away, especially chest compressions, increases a victim’s chances of surviving a cardiac arrest. This is important in the first few minutes of CPR CAB, meaning it helps maintain blood circulation and oxygen delivery. 

  1. Airway

You need to make sure that the victim’s airway is clear during CAB in CPR to help them breathe properly. An obstructed airway leads to cardiorespiratory arrest or unconsciousness, potentially causing irreversible or fatal neurological or systemic damage if untreated for a prolonged period.

Now, you need to manage the airway after you do around 30 chest compressions in the C.A.B. sequence:

Opening the Airway

After performing  30 chest compressions in the C.A.B. sequence, tilt the victim’s head back while gently lifting their chin. This helps prevent the tongue from blocking the throat, allowing air to flow into the lungs.

Checking for Blockages

Carefully check the victim’s mouth for blockages, such as food or vomit. If you find something, remove it immediately to clear the airway and allow for better breathing.

Keeping the Airway Open

After opening the airway, maintain the head-tilted, chin-lifted position. This position helps air flow into the victim’s lungs while the victim gets sufficient rescue breaths.

A clear airway ensures oxygen circulates to the victim’s vital organs, improving their chances of surviving a cardiac arrest.

Read More: When to Use an AED Vs CPR

  1. Breathing

Breathing is the third step in the rescue breathing sequence after compressions and airway management. It is intended to deliver oxygen to the victim’s lungs and bloodstream.

To begin, pinch the victim’s nose closed and make a seal over their mouth with yours. Deliver two full breaths, each lasting about one second. Ensure that the victim’s chest rises with each breath, indicating that air has entered their lungs. If the chest does not rise, reposition the victim’s head slightly and try again. It’s essential to maintain the balance between compressions and breaths by following the recommended ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths.

Effective rescue breathing can significantly impact survival rates during cardiac arrest. Studies show that combining chest compressions with rescue breaths improves outcomes, potentially increasing the chance of survival by up to 50% compared to compressions alone.


When Not to Perform CAB CPR?

There are several cases where performing CAB in CPR is not advisable. Here are some cases healthcare professionals must avoid.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)

The CAB CPR method is not appropriate when a patient has a “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) order or an advanced directive. This order means that the patient or their family has chosen not to receive life-sustaining therapies, including C.A.B. first aid

Permanent Death

If the patient displays clear signs of permanent death, such as rigor mortis or dependent lividity, performing CPR is futile and should be avoided. Attempting the procedure in such cases would only cause unnecessary trauma to the patient’s body.

Lack of Skill

A person giving CPR with no proper knowledge or skill may accidentally cause damage to the patient. That is why it is recommended to dial emergency helplines and wait for trained professionals to arrive in such situations.


Final Thoughts on CAB in CPR

CAB in CPR is a life-saving technique that can save a victim’s life or delay possible irreversible damage to organs. CAB helps blood flow and supply oxygen to the body’s vital organs. Learning and practicing the CAB method is essential for all healthcare professionals, and it’s often taught in CPR certification courses. Here, you can get hands-on training and guidance from expert trainers. Be sure to choose a recognized organization to complete your training courses.

Sohini M.


Sohini has completed her training on Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) program and shares a passion for writing. She is dedicated to spreading vital medical knowledge through her engaging and informative articles. Sohini also enjoys volunteering in her community and staying updated on the latest advancements in medical science.