What Are The Types of Bleeding?

What Are The Types of Bleeding post img
  • Updated on: January 29, 2025

Table of Contents: 

  • Introduction
  • Types of Bleeding
  • What is Arterial Bleeding?
  • What is Venous Bleeding?
  • What is Capillary Bleeding?
  • When Bleeding is a Sign of Emergency?
  • Sharpen Your First-Aid Skills For Bleeding Emergencies!


Do you know losing 10-15% of blood will crash your blood pressure and affect your heart function? When your body experiences trauma, it releases catecholamines, which increase heart rate and systemic vascular resistance to pump an adequate supply of blood to the internal organs. The lack of supply of oxygenated blood will lead to hypovolemic shock, which results in death when left untreated.

So, if there is bleeding due to an accident or medical condition, immediate treatment is key. However, not all bleeding is the same, and it needs different treatment. Knowing the types of bleeding will better position a medical professional or a bystander to intervene in the event of major blood loss, ultimately saving the victim. 

In this blog, we will explore the different types of bleeding, and relevant tips on appropriate assessment and treatment to handle the emergency. Let’s dive in!


What Are the Major Types of Bleeding?

While you already have different types of blood, do you know there are also different types of bleeding? Bleeding, medically termed as hemorrhage is characterized as blood loss from the victims’ circulatory system. The heavy loss of blood volume occurs due to trauma or medical conditions like hemorrhagic disorders, leukemia, kidney diseases, or any injuries. Moreover, the person will begin to manifest symptoms like nausea or fatigue. Drastic blood loss will result in organ failure, shock, and even death. 

Hemorrhage accounts for over 60,000 deaths in the United States. However, quick interventions can prevent a major mishap from taking place. During emergencies related to blood loss, you need to stay calm and learn the first aid procedure to handle the bleeding effectively. If the bleeding persists even after your initial efforts, contact emergency services for immediate medical attention.


Types of Bleeding


Bleeding can occur internally within the body or externally through an open wound. There are three types of bleeding: arterial, venous, and capillary. Each type has its own causes and treatment, which you need to understand to provide the best possible care to the victim.


What is Arterial Bleeding?

Arterial bleeding is a severe type of bleeding that happens when an artery is damaged. Arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The pressure exerted by arteries on these vessels also affects the severity of bleeding. Due to the high pressure inside the vessels, the blood loss could be significant in a very short timeframe.

Characteristics of Arterial Bleeding

Arterial bleeding is characterized by spurting or pulsing movements induced by the heart.  The arterial bleeding color is bright red as it is highly oxygenated. If arterial is not controlled properly, the victim can experience hypovolemic shock.

Causes of Arterial Bleeding

Arterial bleeding is the most severe type of bleeding when a victim’s blood vessels get damaged due to penetrating injury or blunt trauma. For example, sharp objects can slice through arteries directly, knife injuries often damage peripheral arteries, and broken glass can sever arterial walls. Similarly, severe injuries due to car accidents, industrial accidents, or falls might lead to major artery ruptures. During surgical procedures, accidents, cuts, or damage to arteries can also lead to severe bleeding.

Proper Treatment for Arterial Bleeding

Seeking immediate medical assistance for arterial bleeding can be lifesaving for arterial bleeding. The treatment or first aid steps for the condition include:

  • Immediate Action: Once you arrive at the scene, call the emergency services as soon as possible. Arterial bleeding needs immediate professional care.
  • Direct Pressure: Apply direct, firm pressure over the wound site using a sterile dressing or use your hand if necessary. Add more layers of dressing cloth to maintain pressure and control severe blood loss.
  • Elevation: If the injury is in a limb and doesn’t cause further harm, try elevating the limb above the heart level to reduce blood flow to the area.
  • Pressure Points: If applying direct pressure does not control the bleeding, try applying pressure to a pressure point. For instance, if the victim has a bleeding arm, apply pressure to the brachial artery, located on the inside of the arm, between the elbow and the shoulder. In case of an injured leg, apply pressure to the femoral artery located in the inner thigh region.
  • Tourniquet: If the bleeding never ceases and is life-threatening, use a tourniquet above the injury region. It should be applied tight enough to prevent blood flow and noted down with the application to inform when the medical professional arrives.
  • Homeostatic Agents: Homeostasis agents promote rapid blood clotting, which can be applied directly to the wound.
  • Surgical Intervention: In the professional setting, a surgical procedure to repair the damaged artery is necessary to prevent bleeding and restore normal blood flow. It also involves shooting or using grafts to replace the damaged sections.


What is Venous Bleeding?

Venous Bleeding, a type of external bleeding, happens when the vein is injured or damaged. Veins are the vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart. Venous bleeding is typically slower than arterial bleeding. Nonetheless, it can be life-threatening if a large vein is damaged or the condition is left untreated for a prolonged time.

Characteristics of Venous Bleeding

The blood from the vein damage is dark red or maroon, due to the less presence of oxygen. Due to the lower venous pressure, the bleeding flow will be steady instead of spurts. Blood loss from venous bleeding is significant but not as rapid as arterial bleeding. The wound might ooze blood or have a slight trickle flowing out. The flow of venous bleeding might be fast in the initial phase but often slows down as the pressure decreases.

Causes of Venous Bleeding

Venous bleeding occurs during deep cuts, which are usually the result of accidents involving sharp objects. When veins are compressed or crushed due to an accident or injury, they rupture and bleed. Venous bleeding can also happen during surgery if veins are cut or damaged accidentally during the procedure.

Proper Treatment for Venous Bleeding

The key for venous bleeding treatment is to apply constant pressure and lift the bleeding limb as a first aid measure. However, in case of uncontrolled bleeding, make sure to seek emergency medical services. The management procedure for venous bleeding is mentioned as follows,

  • Direct Pressure: To stop the bleeding, apply direct, continuous pressure on the wound with a sterile dressing or a clean cloth.
  • Elevation: Raise the injured or damaged limb (or other part of the body) above your heart level to slow down the blood flow and control the bleeding.
  • Compression Bandages: Once the bleeding has been controlled initially, apply a compression bandage to maintain pressure and support the injured area.
  • Suturing: If the wound is deep or you cannot compress the vein, a medical professional might recommend suturing to close the wound and stop the bleeding.
  • Regular monitoring: Watch the victim for any signs of continued bleeding,  or swelling. If the condition worsens or the bleeding does not stop, seek medical assistance immediately.
  • Venous Repair: If the major vein is damaged, a surgical procedure may be needed to tie off or repair the damaged vein and restore normal blood flow.


 First Aid Treatment for Bleeding


What is Capillary Bleeding?

Capillary bleeding involves the capillaries, the smallest blood vessels that connect arteries and veins, facilitating the exchange of oxygen and nutrients within the tissues. This type of bleeding is most common and occurs due to minor injuries. In contrast, when it occurs due to severe external causes, the condition requires immediate first-aid measures. 

Characteristics of Capillary Bleeding

Capillary bleeding is characterized as small reddish-purple spots that often appear in clusters on the skin. They are commonly found on the legs, ankles, feet, and mucous membranes. However, capillary bleeding oozes from the skin but is superficial and will appear milder.  The bleeding color will not change even when the wound gets pressed.

Causes of Capillary Bleeding

Minor skin injuries like scrapes or lacerations cause capillary bleeding. This type of bleeding is also common in falls or sports injuries where the skin is irritated. Small punctate punctures, thorns, or needles might also cause capillary bleeding.

Proper Treatment for Capillary Bleeding

Capillary bleeding, which is not usually dangerous, might indicate an underlying medical condition or bleeding disorder. Immediate diagnosis through visual skin examinations and other symptoms will aid in appropriate treatment. The condition can be treated as,

  • Cleaning the Wound: Gently clean the wound with mild soap and water to remove dirt and bacteria and prevent further infection.
  • Apply Direct Pressure: Apply slight pressure over the wound with a clean cloth or sterile dressing to prevent bleeding. Nonetheless, capillary bleeding usually stops within 2-3 minutes.
  • Cover the Wound: Once the bleeding has ceased, cover the wound with a sterile dressing or adhesive bandage to prevent further injury. In rare cases of extensive bleeding, small sutures might be recommended to close the wound.
  • Monitor For Infection: Watch the wound for any symptoms of infection like swelling, redness, pain, or pus to get medical help.
  • Antibiotics: If the capillary wound is larger or more exposed, applying topical antibiotic ointment or oral medications will prevent infection and aid in better healing.

Read More: First Aid For An Unconscious Persons


When Bleeding is a Sign of Emergency?

Bleeding can be a sign of a medical emergency, depending on the area and severity. To find out which one is a life-threatening bleeding among the three types, you should have first-hand knowledge about the bleeding types to assess the situation. Taking a certification course will prepare you for such medical emergencies, empowering you to become capable first responders. Here are some circumstances where you should consider bleeding a sign of emergency.

  • Uncontrolled Bleeding: If bleeding cannot be controlled even after applying pressure and is gushing out rapidly, it could be a sign of a medical emergency requiring immediate attention from professionals. 
  • Damage From Major Arteries: Bleeding from major arteries in the neck or limbs can be life-threatening to the victims. It might occur due to a traumatic injury or an untreated medical condition like aneurysm rupture.
  • Head Injury: If you find the victim bleeding from the head, followed by major trauma or impact, it could be a symptom of prominent damage. It indicates a skull fracture or brain trauma that needs immediate medical evaluation. 
  • Bleeding During Pregnancy: When pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding accompanied by severe pain or happens in the trimester stage, it is important to seek medical help. It could indicate possible complications like placental abruption or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Life-threatening bleeding is characterized by hematemesis (vomiting blood) or hematochezia (passing blood in the stool). They often appear due to conditions such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, or gastrointestinal cancers. 



Read More: Emergency Medical Responder With an ACLS Course | EMT Life


Sharpen Your First-Aid Skills For Bleeding Emergencies!

Blood loss emergencies demand quick, confident action. They range from minor cuts to severe injuries. However, it is also the leading cause of death in the USA for people under the age of 46. Thus, everyone should be aware of the different types of bleeding to stay prepared for emergencies. 

Each type requires specific treatment approaches. Arterial bleeding needs immediate pressure and tourniquet application. Venous bleeding responds well to direct pressure techniques. Capillary wounds usually need basic wound care. 

First aid skills build life-saving confidence, and practice improves emergency response times. Staying prepared means being ready to act fast and confidently in any situation and give the best care possible.



  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/types-of-bleeding
  2. Types of Bleeding and How to Treat Them | SureFire CPR
  3. Hemorrhage: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and More
  4. Bleeding – Better Health Channel
  5. Hemorrhage: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Types
  6. Bleeding Classification System Definitions – Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Clinical and Economic Impact of Standard Versus Extended Duration – NCBI Bookshelf

Sohini M.


Sohini has completed her training on Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) program and shares a passion for writing. She is dedicated to spreading vital medical knowledge through her engaging and informative articles. Sohini also enjoys volunteering in her community and staying updated on the latest advancements in medical science.